ESTC 2024


IEEE EPS Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap Workshop

Technology Trends in Heterogeneous Integration with Focus on the European Perspective | September 11, 8.30am – 12.45pm


The IEEE EPS Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap (HIR) addresses the requirements to integrate and interconnect microelectronic components for next generation systems to meet industry needs over the next 15 years. European experts discuss future trends for major roadmap topics: Next generation power electronics, photonics, system-in-package and chiplets, innovative materials, as well as modelling, simulation, reliability and failure analysis.

Part 1

8.30am – 10.30am

Introduction/Opening/Motivation HIR: Erik Jung, Klaus Pressel

Introduction to the HIR Roadmap | Erik Jung, Klaus Pressel, Bill Chen

Integrated Power Electronics| Michael Jank, Fraunhofer IISB

Trends in Photonics | Onno Huiskamp CITC/TNO Netherlands

LETI Perspective on Heterogeneous Integration (RTO perspective) | David Henry, Jean-Charles Souriau, CEA LETI

Importance of Tailored Materials | Erich Neubauer, RHP-Technology Austria

The Move towards Chiplets – Open European Industrial Foundry for Advanced Packaging and Micro Integration – An Innovation Driver for Start-ups, SME and LE. | Torsten Grawunder, Swissbit

Short Wrap-up of Session

Break: 10.30 – 10.45am


Register now for IEEE ESTC and save you space in one of the professional development courses on Wednesday, September 11, 2024.

Program online!

This year’s IEEE ESTC Conference will feature 120 oral and 50 poster presentations, 4 keynotes, 3 professional development courses, an IEEE EPS HIR Workshop, 5 special sessions, and a panel on “Chiplet Architectures for Automotive”.

Part 2

10.45am – 12.45pm

Opening System-in-Package Trends

Trends in Modelling and Simulation | Przemek Gromala, Robert Bosch / Chris Bailey, Arizona State University, ISA

Virtual Development for Advanced Substrates Made in Europe | Thomas Krivec, AT&S

Impact of  Digitalization on Reliability in Microelectronics – Outcome of the ECSEL JU iRel40 project | Klaus Pressel, Infineon

Impact of Failure Analysis in Advanced Microelectronics | Frank Altmann, Sebastian Brand, Fraunhofer IMWS, FA4.0 project

Panel discussion & Wrap-up  – Link to US and Rest of the World | Erik Jung, Klaus Pressel
